Bogotá eats at Alimentarte

Alimentarte is Bogotá’s annual food fair.
Translated, literally, as “feed yourself,” Alimentarte features comestibles from more than 200 vendors, including some of Colombia’s top chefs.
Stretching along the two sides of El Parque Virrey, the festival offers a bounty for even the most discerning palate. Typical Colombian eats are well-represented, as are those from Peru, Cuba, Brazil, Italy, Germany, and Spain – the latter being this year’s featured country.
The festival is also a fundraiser for La Fundación Corazón Verde, a service organization that provides assistance to members of Colombia’s police forces and their families.
I started my tour with a latte from BOHRCAFÉ, widely regarded as one of Colombia’s best brews. It did not disappoint; the bigger surprise, though, was that it does not have stores. Instead, BOHR delivers the beans directly to your home. Conveniently located next door to BOHR was Bagatelle, a bakery of equal repute. Suddenly I was back in France.
The next two stalls provided a little taste of home, thanks to the Donut Factory and a stall serving four styles of “Putín.”
- Stuffed with Mora.
- Poutine has arrived.
One of the most impressive displays came from the Brazilians. Though I am familiar with the concept of meat on a stick, these vendors took the concept to delicious (or, if you’re a vegetarian, terrifying) new heights.
Food being culture, of course, there were other attractions on display. A band of roving clowns made their presence heard throughout the park….
…some local b-boys entertained with song and dance…
but the highlight had to be the dance routine below. Watch at about 0:48 when things get real serious.
The day ended as it began, with a coffee. This time from Amor Perfecto, again one of Colombia’s best.
I didn’t argue. But I did make plans to return next week.
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