Plaza Bolívar

Plaza Bolívar en blanco y negro

A few heavily altered pics from a recent sojourn in and around Plaza ...


A walk through the Candelaria always surprises. Today it was the Museo Arqueolóico de Bogota (MUSA), which is chock full of pre-Hispanic pottery and San Augustin statuary. Apart from the San Augustín pieces, most of the pottery dated from between AD 500 and ...

Specialty Coffee Expo

Take me to church

Specialty coffee is the future of the industry and Colombian growers and baristas were more than happy to show off their world-beating skills at this year's expo. Here area a few ...

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash.

Brilliantly bullish on business in Bogotá

Pioneers, Entrepreneurs, Impresarios. Toby de Lys and Tigre Haller are men of many hats. Originally from New York, the dynamic duo left their respective careers in architecture and risk management to resettle in the Colombian capital. In the 13 years since, they've thrown their energies into changing perceptions of ...


Lima Scenes

I don't think this happens every day in Lima, but it did last Sunday and we were glad to see it. This is also related somehow. The costumes are the same, but I had trouble with the ...

On beyond Juan: The new face(s) of Colombian coffee

Juan Valdez may be the global face of Colombian coffee, but younger Bogotanos are more likely to recognize that of their favorite barista. Colombian specialty coffee shops are the favored destination for discerning Bogotanos, and their growing popularity offers growers a chance to improve their economic ...